Inovace roku - 1. místo

Mistrovství v malování ve virtuální realitě

Soutěžící JAD Productions, X-Lab a Chemistry Gallery
Klient VR Clash

Účastníci nesoucí hlavní podíl na úspěšnosti eventu

Yemi A.D. - Creative Director
Jindřich Trapl - CTO
Petr Hájek - Art Currator

Popis projektu

First national championship in painting in VR. Battle of 8 artists each famous for its own style. Event was shaped into urban happening & party in the end.

Počet oslovených eventem vs. reálně zúčastněných

predicted / reached 500 / 800 Niche Audience of industry professionals, agency representatives, clients & artists.

Doplňující informace

We invited over 100 industry professionals, agencies, creators and producers and created campaign that brought another 700 people graviting around the VR world. The championship took place in renown Prague’s gallery, presented 8 top painters, 5 industry leaders as judges and one ultimate goal - becoming the first ever VR champion. The evening was divided into 3 rounds. 2 artists standing against each other given 1 word as topic of their artwork with same time limit for the execution (20min) and one chance to explain the artwork in front of the audience and judges.


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